ex wife

1292 days ago

Photo Article - what to get the ex-wife for Christmas: Kerim Sener has the answer

With the exception of me, are Ariana Resources (AAU) shareholders the geekiest geeks on this planet? Answers on a postcard to Nigel Somerville please. For it seems many of them want to wear Ariana branded T-shirts and thus the company is selling a range of clothes and other accessories with all profits given to local charities. And among the many items on sale HERE is one which is the ideal gift this Christmas for an ex wife, as you can see below.


2743 days ago

Bloody Hell - another Wishbone Placing as Beaufort Securities shows naked greed

Just when Wishbone (WSBN) shares were getting going again after the last placing conducted by Belfort Securities to their spiv share flipping bucket shop mates, here we go again. Boy my morning has started well: not only do I have to suffer more laziness and abusive emails from my lazy, greedy bitch of a selfish bitch of an ex wife but this as well. I want to go back to bed.


2753 days ago

Why Hillary Clinton Reminds me of an ex wife - debate three

A lot has been made of how Donald Trump has a problem with women voters. We shall see. But less has been ,made of how Hillary Clinton has a problem with male voters and as I watched debate three I could not help but reflect on that. Overall it was the dullest of the three debates and as to who won? Well...
